Industrial/ Organizational Counselling
An introduction to the models of counselling in organizations, introducing counselling in organizations, its evaluation and ethical issues
Ram Prasad
8 weeks long
Workload: 3-4 hours/week
To Know about Course details and Commencement dates Text or WhatsApp the Course No and Your Email ID to 0091 979 00 88 002 or email us at info@ihmh.in / psy.courses@gmail.com
Eg; 008 SPACE xyz@email.com to 09790088002
About the Course |
In a world of increasing complexity and stress in the lives of people, especially at workplaces, counselling in organizations has emerged as the latest Human Resource tool to increase the quality of the workforce and to attract and retain its best employees.
The employees can be suffering from various workplaces related issues like task deadlines, meeting expectations, work-life balance, interpersonal relations with superiors and subordinates. With globalization, it is also very important to be adjusted to the respective culture of the organization and get along with colleagues from different countries. Organisations have realized the importance of having a stress-free yet motivated and capable workforce and have integrated the counselling services by making it a part of their culture.
Counselling helps the employee to share and look at his/her problems from a new perspective, help him/her and to face and deal with the problems in a better way. Counselling at workplace is a way of the organisation to care about its employees. |
About the Instructor(s) |
A Master of Science degree holder in “Applied Psychology” from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu with specialization in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. He is currently working as a Senior Software Engineer and an active member in Recruitment process.
Course Format |
Offline and online mode of training with voice assisted Powerpoint presentations and a manual provided at the start of the course. The participant will have a week’s time to master one particular module of the course and he/she can contact the trainer either through email/ chat or video chat for any clarifications.
Each module will have its own activity and a pragmatic paper for better understanding. |
Course Objectives |
- Will help you to understand different models of counselling in organizations.
- Will help you to understand the process of introducing counselling in organizations, its evaluation, ethical issues faced and line management relation.
Course Fee |
Category |
Individual Participants from India (in Indian Rupee)
Group Participants from India
(minimum members in a group is three) (in Indian Rupee)
Individual Participants from Rest of the world (in US Dollars)
Group Participants from Rest of the world (minimum members in a group is three) (in US Dollars)
Member of Psykology.in
Rs. 1,800/-
Rs. 1,500/- per participant
US$ 40/-
US$ 35/- per participant
Non – Members
(click here to become a member)
Important Dates |
- Participant Capacity is Limited to 12 per batch.
- To Know about Course details and Commencement dates Text the Course No and Your Email ID to 0091 979 00 88 002 or email us at psy.courses@gmail.com Eg; 008 SPACE xyz@gmail.com to 0979 00 88 002
Learning Kit |
- Course Manual
- Power point presentations
Trainer’s Support |
- Voice Associated Power point Presentations
- Home Based Activity at the end of each session for practical learning
- Additional Reference Documents (on request)
- Sessions through Skype for discussion and clarification (on request)
- Additional support through email / chat during the course period
Course Syllabus |
Session 1: Organization Counselling – Introduction
Session 2: Counselling provisions for Organizations
Session 3: Organization culture & its impact on Counselling
Session 4: Role of Counsellor – Case study
Session 5: Educating the Organization to receive Counselling
Session 6: Managing the Counselling Process & Ethical issues
Session 7: Evaluating & Auditing Workplace Counselling Programmes
Session 8: Developing Training & Supervision for Organization & Counsellors
Recommended Background |
- A passion to work in industrial setting or an existing employee
- An Under Graduate or Post Graduate Study in Psychology
- Those who are currently pursuing their Under Graduate or Post Graduate can also enrol
- Those who are interested in psychology and who have taken any another subject as their major
- Anyone handling Human Resource department or Management Student
- Team leader
Suggested Readings |
- Carrol, M. and Walton, M (Eds) Handbook of Counselling in Organizations. ND: Sage Publications, 1997.
- Carrol, M. Workplace Counseling. ND: Sage Publication, 1997.
- Cartwright, S and Cooper, C.L. Managing Workplace Stress. ND: Sage Publications, 1997.
- Lawton, B and Feltham, C. Taking Supervision Forward. ND: Sage Publications, 1997.
Course Plan |
- Eight weeks with one sessions per week
- Power point Presentation with associated Audio
- Activities to understand better
- Case studies
Learning Outcome |
After completing this course, the candidate would be able to acquire profound understanding of
- Counselling types in organizations i.e., Internal and External Provisions
- Impact of organization culture on counselling
- Role of counselling consultant in bringing about the change and handling situations in organizations
- Ethical issues involved in organizational counselling
Further Learning |
- Organizational Behaviour
- Industrial Psychology
- Human Resource Development
Technical Requirements |
- A computer or a laptop with Microsoft Office with mike and headphone facility
- A good Internet connection
- Having web cam is an added advantage
Statement of Accomplishment |
On completion, the participant will be certified by the International Association of Holistic Psychology |
Contact to register |
Contact your student advisor at info@psykology.in for more details on registration, availability of seat, payment of fee, etc.
Course FAQ's |
1. Will I get a certificate after completing this class?
Yes. Participants who successfully complete the class will receive a registered certificate from International Association of Holistic Psychology.
2. What resources will I need for this class?
The free course manual is available with the course.
3. How is it helpful to me?
The course provides the basics of organizational counselling with real life examples of industrial models. The participant will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to perform counselling in organizations.
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